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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day

The news media began warning us about this huge storm nicknamed 'snowmageddon' that was due to arrive on Tuesday night and shut the city down.  It certainly snowed all Tuesday and for much of Wednesday so the schools all closed for a SNOW DAY!  What a neat treat they are.  They don't happen often, not even once each winter so it is a special thing to wake in the morning and hear the school's name on the radio's list of closings.

I snuggled back down and left the boys sleeping.  Mike unfortunately had to work so he had to get up and use the snow blower to get out of the driveway  The boys and I had a lazy morning at home until noon when we shovelled the drive again and then braved the slushy, snowy roads to go sledding at Appleby College, followed by lunch at McDonald's.

Jordan followed that by an evening of skating with the Toronto Maple Leafs at the Air Canada Centre where he got his Leafs jersey signed by Luke Schenn!  All in all it was a very nice midweek break - thanks storm!