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Monday, May 23, 2011

Algonquin Park

We spent a wonderful long weekend in Algonquin Provincial Park.  We stayed in a cottage at The Pines,  just outside the West gate and drove in early each morning to look for Moose.  They are commonly seen in Spring drinking the roadside snow melt which is salty from the road salt used all winter.  We saw about 6 Moose, 2 adult bulls with the beginnings of huge antler racks, a couple of females and a couple of calves.

The park is so pretty at this time of the year, everything is coming to life after a long, cold winter.  The hardwood trees are a lovely pale green with the darker green backdrops of the conifers.  The beavers are repairing their dams and the birds are singing merrily.  With some fishing, kayaking and playing card games we had a relaxing family weekend.

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