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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year

We ended 2013 and began 2014 much the way we did a year ago - at Killington with the family (except last year Mom and Dad were with us and this year we had Aidan join us for Xmas). With Cameron graduating from high school and starting university this year 2013 was a year with lots of firsts for the family. It was also a year with lots to be thankful for and many happy memories created by both Cam and Jordan.


Although it is a few days into the new year, with back to school today and tomorrow it unofficially starts now. What are my hopes, resolutions and wishes for the coming year? This time next year I hope to be reflecting on another successful year for us all, one filled with travel, laughter, friends and family. My aim this year is to judge less, eat less, move more and try something new. Last year I tried rock climbing - and learned that I don't like heights that much. Cam and I did a 'mud run' together - that was a lot of fun. I hope for more of these new experiences this year.

Here's to a good second semester for Cam, and second reporting period for Jordan.


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