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Sunday, June 30, 2013


We have spent the last two days in Sorrento, the first day we came in to do some shopping, but the stores have mostly touristy stuff, lemons, ceramics etc.  I bought a few packages of herbs for making some pasta when we get home, but nothing else caught our eyes.  Jordan is rapidly becoming an Italian fashionista and is fixed on linen shirts, 'scarpas', etc.  will have to do more of that shopping when we get back to Rome.  Today we came in to swim.  That involves walking down a zigzag stairway down the side of the vertical cliff to get to the very busy beach at the bottom.

The public beach was extremely crowded so we rented some beach loungers on the breakwater and swam in the cool, clear water.  A few fish, sea cucumbers, a nice sandy bottom. 
I watched the ferries and hydrofoils come and go from the dock, and the little boats carrying people to and from the cruise ship in the harbour.

After several hours (too many it turns out, lucky we have 2 after sun lotions!) in the sun we headed back up the stairs for a gelato and water and a ride back to the hotel.  

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