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Sunday, March 13, 2011

March Break has arrived!

It's been a long, cold term - but March break has officially arrived and we are off school for two weeks! Both boys had excellent school reports and are justifiably proud.

We are home for the first week and then off to the beach in the form of a resort in the Dominican Republic for a week.  When we first got to Canada and saw that people went to Cuba, The Dominican Republic, and other destinations unusual to South African's, for holidays, we were somewhat surprised!  However, after several trips to Mexico, and a trip to Cuba - we understand the attraction of a warm, tropical (not unlike the Natal coast) holiday at the end of winter.  We have never been to the Dominican, but the usual Caribbean resorts don't provide the surfing opportunities that Cameron has been wanting to try out, so Puerta Plata here we come.
The clocks sprang forward today for daylight savings time so it is still light out at 7 pm!  Another indicator that Spring is close.

It is hard to be happy about Spring coming when the news from Japan seems to get worse and worse - our hearts go out to them.
Our last (hopefully) snowman for the year.

Jordan's A+ Science Fair project on Slime.

Jordan and his friends at Great Wolf Lodge for his birthday celebration - we spent a great day and a half in the giant indoor water park - pretending it was summer!  The boys were great and we all had a relaxing mini-break.