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Friday, October 19, 2012

Time flies

Cameron's 17th birthday is next Thursday.  The past few years have flown by so fast and he has grown into a young man any mom would be proud of.  The past 17 years have been filled with his activities - from a busy toddler who climbed the rockery before his first birthday, the 4 year old who was happiest dressed as batman, to the teenager who plays some form of sport every day.  I have loved every minute of watching him on the soccer and rugby field and skating so gracefully on the hockey arena. He is also a very good runner, coming third in the walkathon yesterday - his best result in the 6 years he has taken part.  One of his coaches many years ago said he played with 'heart' - that captures Cam exactly.
He is a loyal friend to his brother and peers and a wonderful son to us. This is his last year at school and as he is in boarding we don't see as much of him as I would wish - however, he is becoming more independent and is enjoying the leadership opportunities at school. This moment in time is filled with academic work and plans for universities next year.
Happy birthday my boy, may your dreams for the next year come true!