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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

El Chagüe

March 2014. A group of 19 students, my colleague Cris and our world challenge leaders Zack and Jake arrived at the tiny school of El Chagüe, Leon, Nicaragua. We arrived to a line-up of excited little children all dressed in crisp white shirts and navy skirts or pants, holding a welcome sign. We sat and listened to a small concert and then drank a sweet, white, milky corn drink and had a sweet bread. The students began to play with the children, games of soccer, baseball and 'rugby'. The school is small, 5 classroom and about 100 students.

Two of the classroom were painted in December by another service project. Our plan is to use some of the money we raised to put doors on the long drop toilets and to paint the remaining classrooms. We set to work scraping the first classroom once the children leave at 12:00.

At 4 some children come to collect us to eat dinner at two of the homes in the community. We walk about 1km to a family home and help to make tortillas on their fire before eating a lovely dinner of rice, beans, carrots, cucumber, plantains and fried cheese. A chicken steals my tortilla off my plate, twice! There are children, chickens and dogs running around everywhere. They have an interesting hand well to get water.

We slept in the classroom, a little dusty but not too uncomfortable, and cooked meals on the camp stoves.

We spend the next two days scraping, painting and building garden beds, eating at family homes in the evening. The third home had a couple of teenagers that speak English and a soccer game broke out after dinner with the older children.

Some of the boys found a board and painted it and turned it into a sign for the school. We hung the sign and when the teachers came to school on Monday morning, they were delighted!

We left the school bright and clean, with gardens ready for the niño's to plant and doors to provide privacy in the toilets. The students feel satisfied that they have made a difference.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Things I miss while Cameron is away at university.

It goes without saying that I miss Cam very much while he is away and think about him every day. I wonder what he is doing, how his classes are going, who he is friends with, if he is happy or sad that day, if he is warm enough, is eating fruits and vegetables, is being sensible, is managing to work out, and a million other things. Today he is home and I am thinking about all the things I miss when he is not home.

I miss his tall, strong hugs.

I miss hearing "what's for lunch?" ... at any time of the day!

I miss hearing "what's for supper?" ... half an hour after we have eaten supper!

I miss the sounds of Arsenal on the TV.

I miss his noisy, messy presence immediately felt throughout the house when he is here.

I miss watching him rough housing with Jordan.

I miss him chatting to me about important, and unimportant goings on in his life, and the lives of his friends.

I miss his shoes all over the front hallway.

I miss watching him play with Inja.

I miss all his friends coming over, a basement full of teenagers and making breakfast for hungry youngsters.

I miss watching him play soccer and hockey.

I miss peeking into his room in the late morning and seeing him still sleeping.

I miss shopping with him.

I miss hearing "Mom, I'm starrrrving!"

I miss seeing him all sweaty and happy after scoring a goal.

I miss him tickling my feet while watching TV.

I miss all these things and hundreds more. I feel very blessed to have two wonderful sons, and to have Cameron wanting to come home to be with us. I am very happy that he is an independent young man and is capable of living away from home, but I confess to love having him here, making the family feel complete. I will continue to resist the urge to call him everyday, and to be happy with a Facebook chat or text regularly and relish our weekly phone calls!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year

We ended 2013 and began 2014 much the way we did a year ago - at Killington with the family (except last year Mom and Dad were with us and this year we had Aidan join us for Xmas). With Cameron graduating from high school and starting university this year 2013 was a year with lots of firsts for the family. It was also a year with lots to be thankful for and many happy memories created by both Cam and Jordan.


Although it is a few days into the new year, with back to school today and tomorrow it unofficially starts now. What are my hopes, resolutions and wishes for the coming year? This time next year I hope to be reflecting on another successful year for us all, one filled with travel, laughter, friends and family. My aim this year is to judge less, eat less, move more and try something new. Last year I tried rock climbing - and learned that I don't like heights that much. Cam and I did a 'mud run' together - that was a lot of fun. I hope for more of these new experiences this year.

Here's to a good second semester for Cam, and second reporting period for Jordan.