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Friday, January 21, 2011

Jordan's Birthday

My baby is 12 years old!  I can't believe that the time has flown by so fast.  He opened his gifts and was very pleased with the next 'Jaguar Stones' book from Mom and Dad and the remote controlled plane from us - although he will have to wait until spring to fly it in the large park nearby!

We went to buy the cupcakes for his school treat and he smiled the whole way as 12 is the magic age when you get to sit in the front seat of the car in this family.

We went out to the Mandarin for his birthday dinner - we all ate lots of tasty asian food.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Killington Day 4

It has really warmed up here and the area outside the condo's that were knee deep in snow are now bare grass!  We watch the ski report on TV and decide to give it a go anyway.  Today we are all going to ski together and Mom and Dad are going to try snowshoeing and visit Woodstock - a nearby little town.  We head up the hill, all very impressed at how Jordan has improved and his confidence has leapt.  He is easily boarding the blue runs - with no issues at all!  Cameron is looking for anything jump-able and we have a great morning together on the hill - stopping at the vista view for coffee and brownies before continuing on down the hill to the very bottom! After lunch we head over to the terrain park for Cam to show us his new skills.  Cam is doing the rails, boxes and jumps with ease and is having so much fun.  He is a 'born' park-er!

Sadly this is our last day on the hill and we pack up at the end of the day having had a great 4 days in Vermont.  Time to head home for school on Monday and to start the New Year. 

Killington Day 3

The weather has really warmed up and it was mild when we set off this morning.  Cameron has an individual lesson in the terrain park and Jordan has once again signed up for an all day snowboard lesson.  I missed the shuttle bus and had to wait for the next one - which was full when it arrived!  It is New Years eve so there are lots of people around.  Mike and I set of to explore some of the trails I haven't yet done and we end up at Skye Peak before heading down 'Great Eastern'.  Mike takes a short-cut and I lose him, so carry on to meet Cameron after his morning in the park.  He is so happy and has had a great morning.  The instructor spends time telling me what he has accomplished - all sounds like another language to me - jibbing, ollies, boxes, switches etc.  Mike eventually makes his way back to join us for lunch before we set out together for a couple of hours.  After a busy day we don't even attempt to stay up for new year and go to bed early - only to be awakened by the party people in the condos - who party all night!

Killington Day 2

Jordan and Cameron have both opted for all day lessons so once they were dropped off at their designated areas Mike headed off while I went for a half day lesson.  Once my lesson was over I met up with Mike and we explored the Ramshead ski area and then headed up the K1 gondola to meet Mom and Dad at the top of Killington Peak for lunch.  The views from up there are spectacular.  We headed back down 'Great Northern' to pick up the boys.  Cameron had an excellent day with a like-minded snowboard instructor and is keen to head into the terrain park tomorrow.  Jordan has made excellent progress and is linking his turns on the green runs.  

Killington Ski Trip day 1

After a long day driving yesterday we managed to haul the boys out of bed in time to get to the ski lift office by 9 a.m. to arrange lessons for Jordan who has decided to switch to snowboarding.  Mike and Cam were eager to hit the slopes so they set off  together and Jordan and I quickly hustled to get him to his group.  I spent the morning on the green runs and met the boys at the end of Jordan's lesson for lunch.  Mike and Cam had explored much of the mountain already.  Jordan and I did a couple of runs together before heading back to the pool and hot tub.  Mom and Dad had explored the area a little and were toying with the idea of ski lessons.