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Wednesday, July 3, 2013


On our way to Venice we are catching a train in Napoli.  Due to my over zealous timing we needed up in Naples with 3 hours to kill before the train left.  We stowed our luggage at a store facility and headed  of into the city wandering aimlessly.  What an education we got.  
Our fist find was a closed off street market, selling pretty much anything you could need, clothes, shoes, baking goods, fish, vegetables, haberdashery, tools and parts for some kind of vacuum cleaner!  We bought some peaches - 5 for €1.20 and then Jordan bought some 'RayBans' for €5! €5 was the price of the day as we also bought a gym bag for that price. We chatted to a butcher with several large legs of Real Parma ham and then wandered along.  

After deciding the area was deteriorating we turned up a street, found a school that looks more like a prison - poor kids, and some odd clothes shops.  We stopped for a cappuccino before heading down another market street, this one totally run by African men mostly from Guinea and Senegal.  chatted to a sunglasses sales guy who gave up after I told him I was South African - didn't look like a wealthy idiot then.  As we left the street we were approached by two men trying to sell iPad mini's and iPhone 5's for €100!  We stopped to watch a guy doing the shell game and some people actually taking part, Jordan was very tempted to put his €50! Down and play.

We headed back to catch our train to Bologna after a very educational morning in Napoli,

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