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Sunday, August 25, 2013

New school year

I go back to work tomorrow - this will be my second full year at HTS. Jordan starts high school - grade 9 in two weeks and Cameron starts university at Western in one week! It will be a year full of new experiences for the family.

We have had a lovely summer.

  • Two weeks in Italy for Jordan and I where I learned so many things about the young man my baby has become.
  • A week in California, again for Jordan and I catching up with old friends Kate and Leigh-Ann. Lots of laughs, walks, talking about our errant teenagers and good food.
  • Lots of afternoons spent on the new deck and pool with our new garden as a backdrop.
  • Lots of books: I have read my way through 6 Lisa Gardner novels and a few other books as well.
  • Walks with friends, my Monday walks and talks with Lee.
  • Cameron working as a camp counsellor for the YMCA and discovering an affinity for the little campers 4 and 5 years old. He has really enjoyed his job this summer.
  • Cameron's various misdemeanours at the start of summer have thankfully (touch wood) settled down to a peaceful summer of making memories with the friends that are splitting up and going to different universities this week.
  • Back to school shopping for Cam's dorm room. Needs, wants and would loves!
  • Jordan learning how to navigate the Toronto transit system and learning lots of survival skills at a U of T camp.
  • Wonderland - riding the coasters with Jordan.
  • Two weeks of Onondaga camp for Jordan where he met an Italian girl! He grew taller, leaner and more confident as he always does at camp.
  • Mike has worked all summer with no real breaks - not good, hope to get him away sometime soon.
  • Mike and Cam drove up to Windy Lake for a quick cottage weekend with Jim and Rita.

And that was the summer! Now for an exciting and hopefully successful school year for us all.



After wanting to ski at Whistler, BC for many years finally we just leapt in and booked for the family day long weekend. We have always thought it too far for just a few days - it is a five hour flight followed by a two hour drive. We arrived yesterday in time for an afternoon on the mountain (this is not a ski hill!). The conditions were perfect, about 4 degrees and lots of groomed snow.


We are staying at Stoney Creek Lagoons, a nice two bedroom condo but it is quiet a walk to the lifts - especially in ski boots!


Our drive on the sea to sky highway was gorgeous, I really could live in Vancouver. The off the grid, vegan environmentalist out doors lifestyle is really cool!