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Sunday, August 25, 2013

New school year

I go back to work tomorrow - this will be my second full year at HTS. Jordan starts high school - grade 9 in two weeks and Cameron starts university at Western in one week! It will be a year full of new experiences for the family.

We have had a lovely summer.

  • Two weeks in Italy for Jordan and I where I learned so many things about the young man my baby has become.
  • A week in California, again for Jordan and I catching up with old friends Kate and Leigh-Ann. Lots of laughs, walks, talking about our errant teenagers and good food.
  • Lots of afternoons spent on the new deck and pool with our new garden as a backdrop.
  • Lots of books: I have read my way through 6 Lisa Gardner novels and a few other books as well.
  • Walks with friends, my Monday walks and talks with Lee.
  • Cameron working as a camp counsellor for the YMCA and discovering an affinity for the little campers 4 and 5 years old. He has really enjoyed his job this summer.
  • Cameron's various misdemeanours at the start of summer have thankfully (touch wood) settled down to a peaceful summer of making memories with the friends that are splitting up and going to different universities this week.
  • Back to school shopping for Cam's dorm room. Needs, wants and would loves!
  • Jordan learning how to navigate the Toronto transit system and learning lots of survival skills at a U of T camp.
  • Wonderland - riding the coasters with Jordan.
  • Two weeks of Onondaga camp for Jordan where he met an Italian girl! He grew taller, leaner and more confident as he always does at camp.
  • Mike has worked all summer with no real breaks - not good, hope to get him away sometime soon.
  • Mike and Cam drove up to Windy Lake for a quick cottage weekend with Jim and Rita.

And that was the summer! Now for an exciting and hopefully successful school year for us all.


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