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Sunday, June 30, 2013


We have spent the last two days in Sorrento, the first day we came in to do some shopping, but the stores have mostly touristy stuff, lemons, ceramics etc.  I bought a few packages of herbs for making some pasta when we get home, but nothing else caught our eyes.  Jordan is rapidly becoming an Italian fashionista and is fixed on linen shirts, 'scarpas', etc.  will have to do more of that shopping when we get back to Rome.  Today we came in to swim.  That involves walking down a zigzag stairway down the side of the vertical cliff to get to the very busy beach at the bottom.

The public beach was extremely crowded so we rented some beach loungers on the breakwater and swam in the cool, clear water.  A few fish, sea cucumbers, a nice sandy bottom. 
I watched the ferries and hydrofoils come and go from the dock, and the little boats carrying people to and from the cruise ship in the harbour.

After several hours (too many it turns out, lucky we have 2 after sun lotions!) in the sun we headed back up the stairs for a gelato and water and a ride back to the hotel.  

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Spent the day in Pompeii with Jordan.  Long lines to get in, it must be awful when the true tourist season starts in July and August!  Strongly recommend a guide, the audio guide is good but it is quite hard to figure out if you are in the right spot for each commentary.  

It is remarkable how advanced the Romans where, with sophisticated bakeries, bars and restaurants, theatres and government buildings.
It is neat to walk on the original cobbles with the ruts from the carts that ran on those roads. There is a cafeteria with overpriced and 'under tasty' food but it is a break from the sun and the only place to rest for a while.

We took the Circumvesuviana train to Pompeii from Sorrento and back again, cost €8 for both of us for the return trip.
Children under 18 have free entry into places like Pompeii, the Colosseum and Roman Forum so we haven't had to pay for Jordan, but the entry fees are very reasonable anyway - €11 for me to enter Pompeii!
The casts of the people found during the excavation are interesting, they are captured complete with expressions in their faces and the clothing they were wearing.  
There are lots of stray dogs around Pompeii, quite sad to see these unloved pooches lying in the shade or wandering around.  Tugged at my Doggy heart strings!

I was struck but the number of baths and swimming pools in the city of Pompeii.  There are a number of baths for male and females and a gymnasium and other areas with pools for swimming. 
The baths are complete with change rooms with 'locker' alcoves for their clothes.  

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Marina di Poulo

On our first day in Sorrento we crossed the road from the hotel and walked down a very long steep road to Marina di Poulo.  A small beach community with a hotel, some rental apartments and a few restaurants.  We rented two beach loungers and an umbrella for €15 and settled at the waters edge for a swim in the calm waters in the little cove.  The beach is black volcanic sand and the bottom of the cove is rocky, but not uncomfortable to walk on.  Most of the other families there were Italian, the kids are much freer to swim and clamber on the rocks without parents hovering nearby.  They were all playing all day long, no tears or fights that I saw. The beach hawkers (Wigi wigi) were very polite and moved on by with just a shake of the head or a 'Non' and a smile.  No pressure so not a problem at all. 

We had lunch at a little cafe, I had a panini with delicious mozzarella and ham and Jordan had a 'cheeseburger' - looked just like my panini except the ham was replaced with a burger patty!  A delicious cappuccino finished the meals which cost €15. Fun to see a serious espresso machine at a beachside cafe.
Jordan did some exploring on the rocks and we found lots of shards of beach pottery, sea glass etc to bring home.  
After a dinner -local sea bass and panacotta (and lots of waiting for the server to bring the bill in true Italian dinner style) we climbed the long hill back to our hotel.  A lovely day.

When in Rome...

Jordan and I have spent our first 2 days of our Italy trip in Rome.  He is fascinated by the ruins, old buildings and higgledy-piggledy arrangement of the streets and buildings.  It is so nice to be in an old city where the old buildings have not been replaced by tall mirrored glass towers.  I am sure that there must be more scooters and Vespas in Rome than in the whole of North America.  Jordan described the taxi drive from the train station as 'intense'!  No lie there.  Italian drivers are amazing!  After just two days of walking Rome I am worried that Jordan will return home and step off the sidewalk expecting the traffic to stop for him as they do here, and get squished by a huge Canadian car!

We have eaten delicious handmade  pasta and pizza (with cheese) at quaint sidewalk restaurants while watching mimes, listening to musicians and watching hawkers selling trinkets and then melting away at the sign of the police. 

We walked to the Spanish steps, covered in so many people you couldn't really see the steps.  I was impressed with a watercolour an artist was painting of the steps, wish I could paint like that.  We went to the Trevi fountain, again so many people it was impossible to get close so we didn't throw a coin in and will just have to come back to Rome anyway!

Jordan and I set off early to visit the Colosseum and the Roman Forum.  We did an audio tour of the forum, the narration was a little dry but the place is incredible.  So many remain from so long ago.  Jordan said that there are so many artifacts here that columns are left lying in the gardens unnoticed!
We then made our way to the Colosseum and joined a tour group, with an odd guide who kept making off-colour jokes.  It was very interesting to walk around inside the Colosseum and see the remains of the rectangular animal elevators below the ground level, the size of the building is impressive.

After that we walked past the large white building that is a memorial to Emmanuel  and Jordan decided to climb the 12 flights of steps to the top.  Once there we took an elevator to the very top, what a view!  It was amazing.  There is also a lovely large church at the top and they were practicing for a musical production.  A lovely chance encounter.

We found a restaurant and had lunch before heading back to the hotel on foot.  After a rest we headed back out to find the Pantheon and dinner.  We walked in so many circles that we saws the pantheon three times that evening!  We had pasta in the piazza watching a mime's antics and listening to music. Jordan bought a lighted flying gizmo from some hawkers who rapidly disappeared when a policeman entered the piazza!  What a lovely day in Rome, At the end of the day we had walked 29417 steps or 20.59km!