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Saturday, June 29, 2013


Spent the day in Pompeii with Jordan.  Long lines to get in, it must be awful when the true tourist season starts in July and August!  Strongly recommend a guide, the audio guide is good but it is quite hard to figure out if you are in the right spot for each commentary.  

It is remarkable how advanced the Romans where, with sophisticated bakeries, bars and restaurants, theatres and government buildings.
It is neat to walk on the original cobbles with the ruts from the carts that ran on those roads. There is a cafeteria with overpriced and 'under tasty' food but it is a break from the sun and the only place to rest for a while.

We took the Circumvesuviana train to Pompeii from Sorrento and back again, cost €8 for both of us for the return trip.
Children under 18 have free entry into places like Pompeii, the Colosseum and Roman Forum so we haven't had to pay for Jordan, but the entry fees are very reasonable anyway - €11 for me to enter Pompeii!
The casts of the people found during the excavation are interesting, they are captured complete with expressions in their faces and the clothing they were wearing.  
There are lots of stray dogs around Pompeii, quite sad to see these unloved pooches lying in the shade or wandering around.  Tugged at my Doggy heart strings!

I was struck but the number of baths and swimming pools in the city of Pompeii.  There are a number of baths for male and females and a gymnasium and other areas with pools for swimming. 
The baths are complete with change rooms with 'locker' alcoves for their clothes.  

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