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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Marina di Poulo

On our first day in Sorrento we crossed the road from the hotel and walked down a very long steep road to Marina di Poulo.  A small beach community with a hotel, some rental apartments and a few restaurants.  We rented two beach loungers and an umbrella for €15 and settled at the waters edge for a swim in the calm waters in the little cove.  The beach is black volcanic sand and the bottom of the cove is rocky, but not uncomfortable to walk on.  Most of the other families there were Italian, the kids are much freer to swim and clamber on the rocks without parents hovering nearby.  They were all playing all day long, no tears or fights that I saw. The beach hawkers (Wigi wigi) were very polite and moved on by with just a shake of the head or a 'Non' and a smile.  No pressure so not a problem at all. 

We had lunch at a little cafe, I had a panini with delicious mozzarella and ham and Jordan had a 'cheeseburger' - looked just like my panini except the ham was replaced with a burger patty!  A delicious cappuccino finished the meals which cost €15. Fun to see a serious espresso machine at a beachside cafe.
Jordan did some exploring on the rocks and we found lots of shards of beach pottery, sea glass etc to bring home.  
After a dinner -local sea bass and panacotta (and lots of waiting for the server to bring the bill in true Italian dinner style) we climbed the long hill back to our hotel.  A lovely day.

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